“You’re on mute!”- that has become one of the great utterances of the ‘Zoom age.’ We’re all familiar with someone speaking and speaking, oblivious to the fact that nobody is hearing them. Ironically, it doesn’t just happen on zoom when we are physically inaudible. Often, people’s messages seem to repeatedly fall on deaf ears. How do we communicate in such a way that people will be naturally enthused to listen?
The first thing is that people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care. So the most basic way in which to help anyone in their life is to first become a good friend. Show them that you don't have an agenda above and beyond their own wellbeing. When they have confidence that you are genuinely interested in them, that you have the best intention in mind, then they'll be much more open to hearing you.
Secondly, we have to be a good example. St. Francis of Assisi once said, “Preach the Gospel at all times and use words if necessary.” We can inspire people in spirituality without saying a word, because actions speak louder than words. Sometimes they say “your character is speaking so loudly, I can't hear a word you're saying.”
Thirdly, when sharing knowledge, try to deeply understand the needs, interests and concerns of the people you are serving. Then, creatively demonstrate how spirituality addresses those needs on the deepest and most practical level. After all, everyone wants to know how this will tangibly help them in their life.
(Excerpt from the upcoming “Tattva2: Old Words Open New Worlds”)